A Capability-Driven Development Approach for Requirements and Business Process Modeling


Authors: Oscar Pastor

Tags: 2016, conceptual modeling

Requirements modeling and business process modeling are two essential activities in the earliest steps of any sound software production process. A precise conceptual alignment between them is required in order to assess that requirements are “operationalized” through an adequate set of processes. Complementary, the trip from requirements to code should benefit from using a precise model driven development connection, intended to characterize not only the involved conceptual models, but also their corresponding model transformations. Selecting the most appropriate conceptual models for specifying the different system perspective becomes a crucial task. This conceptual modeling-based solution requires to use a holistic conceptual framework to determine those modeling elements to be taken into account. Surprisingly, the link with MDD approaches to provide a rigorous link with the software components of a final software application has not been analyzed in a clear and convincing way. Exploring the notion of capability, this keynote will present a capability driven development approach together with its associated meta-model as the selected conceptual framework. Additionally, it will be shown how this framework facilitates the selection of the most appropriate method components in order to design an effective software process and in order to make feasible a sound MDD connection.

Read the full paper here: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-47717-6_1