planning - designing - developing IT
Special Interest Group on Systems Analysis and Design


Mining BPMN Processes on GitHub for Tool Validation and Development

Today, business process designers can choose from an increasing number of analysis tools to check their process model with...

A Formal Basis for Business Model Evaluation with Linguistic Summaries

Given its essential role in understanding, explaining and structuring digital innovation, we see the increased prevalence of the business...

An Empirical Investigation of the Intuitiveness of Process Landscape Designs

Process landscapes define the scope and relationships between an organization’s business processes and are therefore essential for their management....

A Multi-concern Method for Identifying Business Services: A Situational Method Engineering Study

Business services are offerings that enable organizations to achieve their strategic objectives by making their functionality accessible to their...

Modeling Complex Business Environments for Context Aware Systems

Context awareness in complex business environments has been recognized as a major challenge for enterprise information systems. Although, the...

Towards Automating the Synthesis of Chatbots for Conversational Model Query

Conversational interfaces (also called chatbots) are being increasingly adopted in various domains such as e-commerce or customer service, as...

Conceptualizing Capability Change

Organizations are operating within dynamic environments that present changes, opportunities and threats to which they need to respond by...

Supporting Early Phases of Digital Twin Development with Enterprise Modeling and Capability Management: Requirements...

Industry 4.0 is a concept that has attracted much research and development over the last decade. At its core...

Integrated On-demand Modeling for Configuration of Trusted ICT Supply Chains

Digital enterprises and their networks increasingly rely on advanced decision-making capabilities, however, development of decision-making models requires significant effort...

A Modeling Method for Systematic Architecture Reconstruction of Microservice-Based Software Systems

Microservice Architecture (MSA) is an approach to architecting service-based software systems, which aims for decreasing service coupling to enable...