SAND Research in Journals


There are many quality outlets for SAND research.

In the field of Information Systems (IS), some of the journals are MISQISRJAIS, JMIS, Requirements EngineeringInformation Systems and EJIS.

More technical IS journals include Journal of Database Management and DATABASE.

Many journals in the Computer Science area, such as IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data EngineeringACM Transactions on Database Systems and others have also historically published high quality papers in SAND.

In 2016 AIS SIGSAND organized a survey among its members to determine the most relevant journals for the community. Please see below the results of this survey.

Library of SAND Research

On, we continuously curate journal articles related to systems analysis and design, hoping to become the single largest resource for SAND.

We invite you to explore SAND publications below (and of course, don’t forget to check out our Events page so you can submit your SAND paper to the up-coming conferences or journal special issues)!

Journal Articles on