

SAND Publications

Systems analysis and design encompasses a wide range of topics, including information systems development methods, tools and techniques, requirements elicitation and engineering, ontology engineering, conceptual modeling, database design, and others. In addition, increasingly, researchers draw the connections between systems analysis and design and information technology use, quality of information stored in systems, data analytics and AI and the quality of decisions made based on IT. All this puts SAND research at the cutting edge of technological progress and innovation.

On our website, we currently have a library of over 4,000 research articles on various topics of systems analysis and design (with a special focus on conceptual modeling). We invite you to explore SAND publications below (and of course, don’t forget to check our Events page and publish your own SAND papers in the up-coming conferences)!

To stimulate impactful SAND research, we prepared a list of research opportunity and agenda-setting papers related to SAND: .


There are many quality journals publishing SAND research. These include MIS journals such as MISQISRJAIS and JMIS as well as more technical journals such as the Journal of Database Management. Click to learn more about SAND journals and read SAND articles published in journals.


SIGSAND papers are presented in numerous international and national conferences, including ICISAMCISHICSS, ER, EMMSAD (for a longer list, click here). The annual SIGSAND Symposium is a dedicated forum for scholars interested in sharing their research-in-progress on SAND.

Click to learn more about SAND conferences and explore our library of SAND conference papers!