A Collaborative Support Approach on UML Sequence Diagrams for Aspect-Oriented Software


Authors: Eduardo M. Guerra, Rafael de Almeida Naufal

Tags: 2009, conceptual modeling, Fábio F. Silveira

AOP and its broader application on software projects brings the importance to provide the separation between aspects and OO components at design time, to leverage the understanding of AO systems, promote aspects’ reuse and obtain the benefits of AO modularization. Since the UML is a standard for modeling OO systems, it can be applied to model the decoupling between aspects and OO components. The application of UML to this area is the subject of constant study and is the focus of this paper. In this paper it is presented an extension based on the default UML meta-model, named MIMECORA-DS, to show object-object, object-aspect and aspect-aspect interactions applying the UML’s sequence diagram. This research also presents the application of MIMECORA-DS in a case example, to assess its applicability.

Read the full paper here: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-642-04947-7_15