A Comparison of Frameworks for Enterprise Architecture Modeling


Authors: Edward Robertson, Richard Martin

Tags: 2003, conceptual modeling

This presentation compares and contrasts two distinct approaches to the representation and management of models relating to enterprise complexity. The approaches share a common focus on describing the enterprise domain, although in different ways. Each approach has an audience of existing supporters. The first approach organizes models according to the perspectives of model users and is exemplified by the Zachman Framework for Enterprise Architecture, which has gained popularity over the past decade in a wide variety of commercial and government settings. The second approach uses life cycle as its organizing theme and is exemplified by three ISO standards related to industrial automation and systems engineering (15704:2000, 19439:2003, and 15288:2002), all of which build upon decades of practice. The two approaches are seen to use a framework structure with a common meta-meta-model [1] and are found to be complementary. Each approach serves a distinct and essential need in the effort to understand and realize a successful enterprise.

Read the full paper here: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-540-39648-2_43