A conceptual database design approach based on rules and heuristics


Authors: Batra Dinesh, Zanakis S.H

Tags: 1994, conceptual modeling

Conceptual and logical database design are complex tasks for non-expert designers. Currently, the popular data models for conceptual and logical database design are the entity-relationship (ER) and the relational model, respectively. Logical design methodologies for relational databases have relied on mathematically rigorous approaches which are impractical, or textbook approaches which do not provide the rich constructs to capture real applications. Consequently, designers have to use their intuition to develop their own rules and heuristics. There is a need, therefore, to develop practical rules and heuristics that can be used to handle the complexity of design in real applications. This paper proposes a realistic and detailed approach for conceptual design using the ER model for relational databases. The approach is based on four rules that specify the order in which various types of relationships must be modelled, three rules that pertain to detection of derived relationships, and three heuristics based on observation of constructs in real applications. The approach is illustrated by many examples.

Read the full paper here: https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/tjis20/current