A conceptual modeling framework for network analytics


Authors: Qing Wang

Tags: 2015, conceptual modeling

In this paper we propose a conceptual modeling framework for network analysis applications.Within this framework, a data model called the Network Analytics ER model (NAER) is developed,whichenables usto manage and analyzenetwork data ina unifiedway. In particular, not onlydatarequirements but also query requirements can be captured by the conceptual description of net-work analysis applications. This unified view provides us aflexible platform to build a number oftopology schemas upon the underlying core schema for supporting network analysis queries. Wealso discuss how the semantics of network analysis queries can be modeled at the conceptuallevel, and explore three possible application areas of using our analytical framework for networkanalysis applications: (1) governing semantic integrity, (2) improving analysis efficiency, and(3) supporting network dynamics. We believe that conceptual modeling can play an importantrole in managing and analyzing network data, and contribute to the development of networkanalytics.

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