A Conceptual Modeling Personalization Framework for OLAP


Authors: Irene Garrigós, Jesús Pardillo, Jose Zubcoff, Jose-Norberto Mazón, Juan Trujillo, Rafael Romero

Tags: 2012, conceptual modeling

OLAP(On-lineAnalyticalProcessing)technologiesrely onmultidimensionalmodelsto provide decisionmakers with appropriate structures allowing them to intuitively analyze data. However, these multidimensional models may be potentially large, thus becoming too complex to be understood at a glance.Current approaches for OLAP design are focused on providing analysts with a single multidimensionalschema derived from their previously stated information requirements, but this is not sufficient to lighten the complexity of the decision making process. To overcome this drawback, the authors propose personalizing multidimensional models for OLAP technologies according to the continuously changing user characteristics, context, requirements and behavior. In this paper, they present a new approach for personalizing OLAP systems at the conceptual level based on the underlying multidimensional model, a user model and a set of personalization rules. Transformations are defined by means of a model-driven strategy to assist in the process of obtaining the corresponding personalized OLAP schemas from these models.

Read the full paper here: https://www.igi-global.com/journal/journal-database-management