A Dynamically Extensible, Service-Based Infrastructure for Mobile Applications


Authors: Andreas Schwab, Marius Podwyszynski, Stefan Kurz

Tags: 2008, conceptual modeling

Mobile computing concerns the design and development of applications in highly dynamic and heterogeneous environments to supply the users with all the required services and information. In this paper, we present a dynamically extensible, service-based infrastructure for mobile applications which allow the users to access existing services via mobile devices. As the number of available services is ever growing, we focus on the task of dynamically extending our architecture with new services. Easily adding functionality in a Service-oriented Architecture (SOA) is a matter of clean design decisions. However, if these services are to be accessed by already deployed client applications, there is a need for doing so without high recoding and redistribution costs. While discovering newly available services is a solved problem, dynamically integrating the new functionality (adding GUI, local data bindings and controls) is a non-trivial task. We propose a generic mobile client application automatically extending its functionality when new services become available.

Read the full paper here: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-540-87991-6_21