A Framework for Synchronizing Human Behavior, Processes and Support Systems Using a Socio-technical Approach


Authors: Ilia Bider, Stewart Kowalski

Tags: 2014, conceptual modeling

The paper suggests a framework for achieving alignment between a process and its external and internal environment. The framework consists of two components. The first component concerns alignment between the process and its external environment – business environment in which the process functions or is to function. The second component concerns alignment between the process and its internal environment the most important part of which are people participating in the process. The second component, which is in the focus of the paper, is based on the socio-technical view on information systems. The framework is aimed to move the focus of business process reengineering/ improvement from local optimization through the use of technology to the needs of satisfying business goals, and fostering human capital that is needed to achieve them.

Read the full paper here: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-662-43745-2_8