A framework to specify system requirements using natural interpretation of UML/MARTE diagrams


Authors: Aamir M. Khan, Frédéric Mallet, Muhammad Rashid

Tags: 2019, conceptual modeling

The ever-increasing design complexity of embedded systems is constantly pressing the demand for more abstract design levels and possible methods for automatic verification and synthesis. Transforming a text-based user requirements document into semantically sound models is always difficult and error-prone as mostly these requirements are vague and improperly documented. This paper presents a framework to specify textual requirements graphically in standard modeling formalisms like uml and marte in the form of temporal and logical patterns. The underlying formal semantics of these graphical models allow to eliminate ambiguity in specifications and automatic design verification at different abstraction levels using these patterns. The semantics of these operators/patterns are presented formally as state automatons and a comparison is made to the existing ccsl relational operators. To reap the benefits of mde, a software plugin TemLoPAC is presented as part of the framework to transform the graphical patterns into ccsl and Verilog-based observers.

Read the full paper here: http://www.sosym.org/