A Goal Modeling Framework for Self-contextualizable Software


Authors: Fabiano Dalpiaz, Paolo Giorgini, Raian Ali

Tags: 2009, conceptual modeling

Self-contextualizability refers to the system ability to autonomously adapt its behaviour to context in order to maintain its objectives satisfied. In this paper, we propose a modeling framework to deal with self-contextualizability at the requirements level. We use Tropos goal models to express requirements; we provide constructs to analyse and represent context at each variation point of the goal model; and we exploit the goal and context analysis to define how the system satisfies its requirements in different contexts. Tropos goal analysis provides constructs to hierarchically analyse goals and discover alternative sets of tasks the system can execute to satisfy goals; our framework extends Tropos goal model by considering context at its variation points, and provides constructs to hierarchically analyse context and discover alternative sets of facts the system has to monitor to verify a context. A self-contextualizable promotion information system scenario is used to illustrate our approach.

Read the full paper here: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-642-01862-6_27