A language-oriented data modeling approach


Authors: Geoffrey Steinberg, Jicheng Lin

Tags: 1996, conceptual modeling

This paper presents a fresh data modeling tool: Language-Oriented Data Modeling (LODM). The language used is the English language. After a brief summary of previous research in this field, the paper discusses the theoretical under-pinnings of the LODM approach from the perspectives of both relational theory and linguistic theory. The paper then illustrates the implementation of LODM with a research prototype tool, “Database Designer.” Through a step-by-step description of the stages involved in using this new tool, the paper addresses the linguistic and database issues encountered in the process of mapping English sentences into a relational schema. In discussing the robustness of the LODM tool, the paper presents both its strengths and its weakness.

Read the full paper here: https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/234611.234614