A Model and an XSL Framework for Analysing the Quality of WebML Conceptual Schemas


Authors: Andrea Maurino, Maristella Matera, Sara Comai

Tags: 2002, conceptual modeling

Web conceptual models certainly represent a successful approach to the design of complex Web applications. Wrong uses of conceptual models may however introduce problems, which void the numerous advantages deriving from their exploitation in Web applications design. In this paper, we present a quality model for WebML, an XML-based Web conceptual model having a graphical notation. We also introduce an XSL-based framework able to automatically verify a set of quality attributes identified for WebML conceptual schemas. Our quality framework was born as a WebML-specific framework, but it is flexible enough to be applied to other Web conceptual models based on an XML specification.

Read the full paper here: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-540-45275-1_30