A Model-Driven Engineering Approach for the Well-Being of Ageing People


Authors: Abdelmounaim Debieche, Amanuel Alemayehu Koshima, Amanuel Wakjira, Moussa Amani, Vincent Englebert

Tags: 2016, conceptual modeling

Ambient Assisted Living has been widely perceived as a viable solution to mitigate the astronomical increase in the cost of health care. In the context of our Geras Project, we propose a Model-Driven Engineering framework for handling high-level specifications that capture the concerns of elderly people still living at home. These concerns are related to concrete living issues, like being notified of a ringing phone for a deaf people, or receiving adequate assistance after a fall. The framework explicitly models three aspects: agent’s goals, formally capturing users’ concerns; abstract solutions, defining a canvas for answering the goal; and concrete solutions in terms of APIs or various combination of APIs, for their operationalisation. We illustrate the usage of our framework on two simple scenarios.

Read the full paper here: https://link-springer-com.proxy2.hec.ca/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-47717-6_3