A Multilevel Dictionary for Model Management


Authors: Paolo Atzeni, Paolo Cappellari, Philip A. Bernstein

Tags: 2005, conceptual modeling

We discuss the main features of a multilevel dictionary based on a metamodel approach. The application is an implementation of ModelGen, the model management operator that translates schemas from one model to another, for example from ER to relational or from XSD to object. The dictionary manages schemas and, at a metalevel, a description of the models of interest. It describes all models in terms of a limited set of metaconstructs. It describes all the schemas in a unifying model, called the supermodel, which generalizes all the others. The dictionary is composed of four parts, based on the combination of two features: schema level or model level, and model specific or model generic. We also show how such a dictionary can be the basis for a model independent approach to reporting, that provides a detailed textual and XML description of schemas.

Read the full paper here: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/11568322_11