A new approach for image databases design


Authors: J. Jones, L. Bulysheva, Z. Bi

Tags: 2017, conceptual modeling

This paper focuses on the methodologies to organize and structure image databases. Conventional relational database techniques are optimized to deal with textual and numeric data; however, they are not effective to handle image data. Some progresses have been made in developing new approaches to establish and use image databases, but the applications of these approaches are very labor-intensive, error-prone, and impractical to large-scale databases. In this paper, we propose a new approach to develop the structure of a large-scale image automatically. It is an integrated approach from existing technologies for the new application where the management of image data is focused. In addition, we present a solution to data indexing for the image database with different image types.

Read the full paper here: https://search.proquest.com/docview/1906812917/fulltextPDF/C24AAFAAC767417CPQ/49?accountid=11357