A Pragmatic Approach to Conceptual Modeling of OLAP Security


Authors: Gunther Pernul, Torsten Priebe

Tags: 2001, conceptual modeling

Traditionally data warehouses were queried by high level users (executive management, business analysts) only. As the range of potential users with data warehouse access is steadily growing, this assumption is no longer appropriate and the necessity of proper access control mechanisms arises. The security capabilities of available commercial OLAP systems are highly proprietary and the syntax of their security constraints is not suitable for design and documentation purposes. Also, approaches trying to derive the access control policies from the operational data sources have not been very successful, as the relational model is predominate in operational systems while OLAP systems make use of the non-traditional multidimensional model. Access control schemes do not map easily. We approach the issue from the application side by introducing a methodology and a language for conceptual OLAP security design.

Read the full paper here: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/3-540-45581-7_24