A Query-Driven Approach to the Design and Management of Flexible Database Systems


Authors: Andrew N.K. Chen, James R. Marsden

Tags: 2002, conceptual modeling, P Aulo B. Goes

The need for timely infonnation in the e-business world provides the impetus to develop a flexible database system with the capability lo adapt and main- tain performance levels under changing queries and changing business environments. Recognizing the Importance of providing fast access to a variety of read-only appli- cations in today’s e-business world, we introduce the systems architecture for devel- oping and implementing a flexible database system to achieve considerable gains in processing times of read queries. The key component of a flexible database system is query mining, the concept of determining relationships among query properties, al- ternative database structures, and query processing times. We validate the flexible database system concept through extensive laboratory experiments, where we embed leaming tools to demonstrate the implementation of query mining.

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