A Semantic Approach for the Modeling of Trajectories in Space and Time


Authors: Ali Frihida, Christophe Claramunt, Donia Zheni, Henda Ben Ghezala

Tags: 2009, conceptual modeling

The modeling and analysis of trajectories in space and time have been long a domain of social science studies since early developments of Time Geography. Early works have been mainly conceptual, but things are changing with recent advances in telecommunications and ubiquitous computing that allow representation of moving points and trajectories within spatial database systems. These have generated a large amount of research in formal and qualitative modeling of moving points, providing many opportunities to enrich emerging geometrical-based data structures with semantic approaches. This is the objective of the research presented in this paper that introduces a semantic-based model and manipulation language of trajectories. It is based on an algebraic Spatio-Temporal Trajectory data type (STT) endowed with a set of operations designed as a way to cover the syntax and semantics of a trajectory. The approach is formally presented and illustrated by a case study.

Read the full paper here: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-642-04947-7_41