A Unified Modelling Language without referential redundancy


Authors: Andreas L. Opdahl, Brian Henderson-Sellers

Tags: 2005, conceptual modeling

The paper argues that, as a language for representing concrete problem domains, the quality of the UMLis compromised by its manyreferentially redundantmodelling constructs. A referential redundancy occurswhenseveralmodelling constructs or model elements refer to thesameclasses, things or properties in theproblem domain. Referential redundancy compromises language and model quality because it hampersconsistency checking, update reflection and reuse of model content between different diagrams or models.To alleviate this problem, the paper shows how the relevant parts of the UML can bereformulatedusingfaceted metamodelling, so that referential redundancy iseliminatedat the language level and potentiallyreducedat the model level. The discussion contrasts faceted metamodelling with conventional metamodel-ling using metaobjects, -properties and -relationships and argues that many of the referential redundanciesin the UML are introduced by the conventional metamodelling approach used to define it.

Read the full paper here: https://reader.elsevier.com/reader/sd/pii/S0169023X04002320?token=FCFC938A7A0469A9DF378DFEAB4A8EE2B30C31218E6E3295733B20F25FCED6DC7554DB568B342F337226A14F31D6E511