A unifying object role modelling theory


Authors: C.L.J. Martens, G.H.W.M. Bronts, H. A. Proper, S.J. Brouwer

Tags: 1995, conceptual modeling

This article presents the idea of defining a kernel for object role modelling techniques, upon which different drawing styles can be based. We propose such a kernel (the ORM kernel) and define, as a case study, an ER and a NIAM drawing style on top of it. One of the prominent advantages of such a kernel is the possibility to build a CASE-tool supporting multiple methods. Such a CASE-tool would allow users with different methodological backgrounds to use it and view the modelled domains in terms of their favourite method. This is illustrated using a running example of a concrete domain in which we use the ORM kernel in combination with the NIAM and ER drawing style.

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