Agent Based Executable Conceptual Models Using i* and CASO


Authors: Aditya K. Ghose, Aneesh Krishna, Aniruddha Dasgupta

Tags: 2007, conceptual modeling

Agent-Oriented Conceptual Modelling (AOCM) is a novel approach to conceptual modelling that has gained considerable credence within the research community over the last decade. The key innovation in AOCM is the use of an agent, together with associated concepts such as goals, plans, commitments etc. as modelling constructs. This has been inspired, in part, by the growing popularity of agent-oriented approaches to the building of intelligent systems, within the artificial intelligence and related research communities. CASO is a formal agent programming language for process specification and agent programming. It supports the formal specification of complex multiagent systems and provides a tool for process simulation. On the other hand it lacks features for modeling the rationale behind design choices. This work allows us to benefit from the complementary representational capabilities of the two frameworks.

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