An Approach to Creating Design Methods for the Implementation of Product Software: The Case of Web Information Systems


Authors: Inge van de Weerd, Jurriaan Souer, Lutzen Luinenburg, Sjaak Brinkkemper, Slinger Jansen

Tags: 2008, conceptual modeling

Development of a new software product is a complex process, in which requirements, release deadlines, and technical challenges fight for priority. These products are designed with the first release in mind which can sometimes cause software developers to have to make extensive design changes in subsequent releases. This paper presents an approach that creates design methods for product software design projects. The resulting design method is used to create a complete, maintainable, and durable product design. The approach has been applied in a practical case study of a series of web information system design projects. In this paper we describe the part of the case where key features were gathered and associated to method fragments, and how they were validated by an expert group.

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