An EER prototyping environment and its implementation in a datalog language


Authors: Gustaf Neumann, Norbert Kehrer

Tags: 1992, conceptual modeling

In this paper we present an approach to represent schema information, application data and integrity constraints as a logic program in form of Datalog. The schema information is supplied as an enhanced entity relationship (EER) model which is transformed by a one-to-one mapping into a set of ground facts. The application data corresponding to the schema is also represented by ground facts in a single table. In order to check whether the application data conforms to the given schema, a set of integrity rules is defined by Datalog rules which expresses the dependencies (mostly functional and inclusion dependencies) implied by the EER model. In order to check whether the application EER model is a valid EER model a meta EER model is defined. Any application EER diagram is an instance of the meta EER diagram which can be specified using the proposed application data representation. The same integrity rules can be used to check the conformance between the application data and the application EER diagram, the meta EER diagram and the application EER diagram.

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