An Efficient View Maintenance Algorithm for Data Warehousing


Authors: Tok Wang Ling, Ye Liu

Tags: 1998, conceptual modeling

We first present a brief analysis of current issues on view maintenance problem for data warehousing. Then, we present an efficient view maintenance algorithm to maintain the materialized view of a data warehouse system. In our approach, a mechanism is provided to detect maintenance anomaly even if messages are delivered in a different order from their generated order. Our approach enforces complete consistency of the materialized view in the sense that every logical state of base relations is reflected as a distinct state of the materialized view. We conclude that our approach is efficient in two aspects: (1) maintenance queries for multiple update transactions are executed in parallel instead of in sequential approach; (2) any maintenance anomaly occurs during the maintenance query execution for some update transaction is removed locally at the data warehouse and no extra queries need to be sent to any base relation.

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