An Example-Based Environment for Wrapper Generation


Authors: Alberto H. F. Laender, Altigran S. da Silva, Berthier Ribeiro-Neto, Paulo B. Golgher

Tags: 2000, conceptual modeling

In the so-called Web information systems, the role of extracting data of interest from Web sites is played by software components generically known as wrappers. As a result, the existence of flexible tools for designing, developing and maintaining wrappers is crucial. In this paper, we present WByE (Wrapping By Example), a user-oriented set of tools for helping the user to build wrappers. WByE is based on information implicitly provided by the user by means of suitable and intuitive interfaces. It includes two components: the ASByE tool, used for generating specifications on how to fetch desired pages (be them static or dynamic), and the DEByE tool, used for the extraction of data implicitly present in the fetched pages.

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