An Experience with CASE Tool Support for Financial Product Desig n


Authors: Eberhard U. Stickel

Tags: 1993, conceptual modeling

The development of enterprise-wide information systems is a key success factor for the banking industry . This paper addresses the problems and benefits resulting fro m the use of a well-known CASE tool for the design of a n information system to support product design in financia l institutions. One goal of the project was to build an information system to allow the design of products not limited t o existing lines of business. The design process is based on a n enterprise-wide data model, which is stored in the tool’ s encyclopedia and which provides a binding framework fo r the design process. During the design phase, we discovere d that the semantic power of the relational model was no t sufficient for our purposes. Object-oriented or deductiv e database systems would have been helpful . The CASE too l did not sufficiently support nonstandard database models o n the conceptual level.

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