An experiment in model-driven conceptual database design


Authors: Danijela Banjac, Drazen Brdjanin, Goran Banjac, Slavko Maric

Tags: 2019, conceptual modeling

The article presents the results of an experiment we conducted with database professionals in order to evaluate an approach to automatic design of the initial conceptual database model based on collaborative business process models. The source business process model is represented by BPMN, while the target conceptual model is represented by the UML class diagram. The results confirm those already obtained in a case-study-based evaluation, as well as those of an earlier controlled experiment conducted with undergraduate students. The evaluation implies that the proposed approach and implemented generator enable automatic generation of the target conceptual model with a high percentage of completeness and precision. The experiment also confirms that the automatically generated model can be efficiently used as a starting point for manual design of the target model, since it significantly shortens the estimated efforts and actual time spent to obtain the target model in contrast to the manual design from scratch.

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