An Hybrid Approach to QoS Evaluation


Authors: Danilo Ardagna, Flavio De Paoli, Marco Comerio, Simone Grega

Tags: 2005, conceptual modeling

Usually, the process of development of services available as web applications considers only functional requirements. Since, an evergrowing number of users take advantage of di erent kinds of communi- cation channels and devices, this process must be revised by considering new aspects: quality of service (QoS), user pro les and technical charateristics of channels. In previous works, we proposed a methodology that provides a rational to formalize the redesign process of existing services to support multi-channel access. This paper extends our approach and highlights how the QoS dimensions can be considered quantitatively in the different phases of the methodology. Moreover, an hybrid approach that allows the QoS evaluation, during the development of a service, is proposed.

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