An integrated semantics for reasoning about SysML design models using refinement


Authors: Adrian Larkham, Alvaro Miyazawa, Ana Cavalcanti, Augusto Sampaio, Juliano Iyoda, Lucas Lima, Ralph Hains, Vaughan Lewis

Tags: 2017, conceptual modeling, Márcio Cornélio

SysML is a variant of UML for systems design. Several formalisations of SysML (and UML) are available. Our work is distinctive in two ways: a semantics for refinement and for a representative collection of elements from the UML4SysML profile (blocks, state machines, activities, and interactions) used in combination. We provide a means to analyse and refine design models specified using SysML. This facilitates the discovery of problems earlier in the system development lifecycle, reducing time, and costs of production. Here, we describe our semantics, which is defined using a state-rich process algebra and implemented in a tool for automatic generation of formal models. We also show how the semantics can be used for refinement-based analysis and development. Our case study is a leadership-election protocol, a critical component of an industrial application. Our major contribution is a framework for reasoning using refinement about systems specified by collections of SysML diagrams.

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