An ontology-driven unifying metamodel of UML Class Diagrams,EER, and ORM2


Authors: C. Maria Keet, Pablo Rubén Fillottrani

Tags: 2015, conceptual modeling

AsbtractSoftware interoperability and application integration can be realized through using theirrespective conceptual data models, which may be represented in different conceptual datamodeling languages. Such modeling languages seem similar, yet are known to be distinct. Severaltranslations between subsets of the languages’ features exist, but there is no unifying frameworkthat respects most language features of the static structural components and constraints. We aimtofill this gap. To this end, we designed a common and unified ontology-driven metamodel of thestatic, structural components, and constraints in such a way that it unifies ER, EER, UML ClassDiagrams v2.4.1, and ORM and ORM2 such that each one is a proper fragment of the consistentmetamodel. The paper also presents some notable insights into the relatively few commonentities and constraints, an analysis on roles, relationships, and attributes, and other modelingmotivations are discussed. We describe two practical use cases of the metamodel, being a quanti-tative assessment of the entities of 30 models in ER/EER, UML, and ORM/ORM2, and a qualitativeevaluation of inter-model assertions.

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