Applying a UML Extension to Build Use Cases Diagrams in a Secure Mobile Grid Application


Authors: David G. Rosado, Eduardo Fernández-Medina, Javier López

Tags: 2009, conceptual modeling

Systems based on Grid computing have not traditionally been developed through suitable methodologies and have not taken into account security requirements throughout their development, offering technical security solutions only during the implementation stages. We are creating a development methodology for the construction of information systems based on Grid Computing, which is highly dependent on mobile devices, in which security plays a highly important role. One of the activities in this methodology is the requirements analysis which is use-case driven. In this paper, we build use case diagrams for a real mobile Grid application by using a UML-extension, called GridUCSec-Profile, through which it is possible to represent specific mobile Grid features and security aspects for use case diagrams, thus obtaining diagrams for secure mobile Grid environments.

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