Aspects of Regulatory and Legal Implications on e-Voting


Authors: Athanassios Kosmopoulos

Tags: 2004, conceptual modeling

This paper addresses the democracy-oriented regulatory and legal requirements that e-democracy impacts. The short term perspective of the questions put before the electorate obliterate the long term perspective in which many policy problems have to be seen. A well-designed e-voting system should produce an audit trail that is even stronger than that of conventional systems (including paper-based systems). Remote Internet voting systems pose significant risk to the integrity of the voting process, and should not be fielded for use in public elections until substantial technical and social science issues are addressed. Conclusively the paper focuses on the specific attributes an electronic voting (polling place) system should respect and ensure such as transparency, verifiability, accountability, security and accuracy in relation to the constitutional requirements such as General, Free, Equal, Secret, Direct and Democratic.

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