Assessing the quality of domain ontologies: Metrics and anautomated ranking system


Authors: Melinda McDaniel, Veda C. Storey, Vijayan Sugumaran

Tags: 2018, conceptual modeling

The ability of a user to select an appropriate, high-quality domain ontology from a set of availableoptions would be most useful in knowledge engineering and other intelligent applications. Thiscapability, however, requires good quality assessment metrics as well as automated support whenthere is a large number of ontologies from which to make a selection. This research analyzesexisting metrics for domain ontology evaluation and extends them to derive a Layered OntologyMetrics Suite based on semiotic theory. The metrics are implemented in a Domain OntologyRanking System (DoORS) prototype, the purpose of which is to search an ontology library forspecific terms to retrieve candidate domain ontologies and then assess their quality and suitabilitybased upon the suite of metrics. The prototype system is compared to existing approaches toautomated ontology quality ranking to illustrate the usefulness of the research

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