Augmented Reality-Based Process Modelling for the Internet of Things with HoloFlows


Authors: Maria Gohlke, Ronny Seiger, Uwe Assmann

Tags: 2019, conceptual modeling

Workflow technologies can be handy to model, execute and analyse simple processes in Internet of Things (IoT) environments. End-users are enabled to compose processes and thereby automate basic repetitive tasks involving one or more IoT devices. However, the modelling of these IoT workflows currently relies on rather bloated and complex desktop applications, deep knowledge of the underlying process notations and a high level of abstraction, which makes workflow modelling too complicated for end-users. In this work we propose to use augmented reality (AR) to simplify the modelling and configuration of IoT workflows. With our HoloFlows app for smart glasses end-users are able to explore their surrounding IoT environment and model various types of basic processes involving sensors and actuators by simply connecting two or more physical IoT devices via virtual wires. AR technology hereby facilitates the understanding of the physical contexts and relations among the IoT devices and provides a new and more intuitive way of modelling workflows in the cyber-physical world. We demonstrate the HoloFlows app with the help of various IoT workflows from the smart home domain.

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