BPM Governance: An Exploratory Study in Public Organizations


Authors: Adelnei de Lima Cavalcanti Felix, André Felipe Lemos Santana, Carina Frota Alves, Higor Ricardo Monteiro Santos

Tags: 2011, conceptual modeling

Business Process Management is a widely known approach focused on aligning processes of an organization in order to achieve improved efficiency and client satisfaction. Governance is an important requirement to enable successful BPM initiatives. This paper provides a qualitative empirical study to investigate what BPM governance elements are adopted by teams conducting early BPM initiatives in public organizations. The results suggest that early BPM adopters in public sector face several barriers due to difficulties in acquiring professionals with BPM expertise, bureaucracy and legislation rigidity, among others. In particular, committed sponsorship and monitoring were appointed as important BPM governance facilitators by participants of the study. Findings also show that further empirical studies are needed to increase the body of evidence in this field.

Read the full paper here: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-642-21759-3_4