Bridging the IT and OT Worlds Using an Extensible Modeling Language


Authors: Jorge Villalobos, Mario Sánchez, Paola Lara

Tags: 2016, conceptual modeling

Enterprise Modeling is used to analyze and improve IT, as well as to make IT more suitable to the needs of the business. However, asset intensive organizations have an ample set of operational technologies (OT) that Enterprise Modeling does not account for. When trying to model such enterprises, there is no accurate form of showing components that belong to the world of OT nor is there a way to bridge the division between OT and IT. Existing languages fall short due to their limited focus that does not consider modeling operational technologies and even less relating them to the IT and Business dimensions. To address these issues, in this paper we present a new modeling language which extends ArchiMate. This language proposes a set of core elements for modeling OT components, based on existing OT standards and ontologies, and makes it possible to associate these components to business and IT elements. Introducing this language makes it possible to apply existing modeling and analysis techniques from Enterprise Modeling in settings that cover Business, OT and IT.

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