Building Quality into Learning Management Systems – An Architecture-Centric Approach


Authors: Manolis Skordalakis, Paris Avgeriou, Simos Retalis

Tags: 2002, conceptual modeling

The design and development of contemporary Learning Management Systems (LMS), is largely focused on satisfying functional requirements, rather than quality requirements, thus resulting in inefficient systems of poor software and business quality. In order to remedy this problem there is a research trend into specifying and evaluating software architectures for LMS, since quality at-tributes in a system depend profoundly on its architecture. This paper presents a case study of appraising the software architecture of a Learning Management through experience-based assessment and the use of an architectural prototype. The framework of the evaluation conducted, concerns run-time, development and business qualities. The paper concludes with the lessons learned from the evaluation, emphasizing on the compromise between them.

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