planning - designing - developing IT
Special Interest Group on Systems Analysis and Design

ER - Intl Conf on Conceptual Modeling

Fine-Grained Compatibility and Replaceability Analysis of Timed Web Service Protocols

We deal with the problem of automated analysis of web service protocol compatibility and replaceability in presence of timing...

Conceptual Modeling for Emerging Web Application Technologies

What are the concepts behind state-of-the-art web application frameworks like Websphere on the commercial side or Struts on the...

State-of-the-Art in Modeling and Deployment of Electronic Contracts

Modeling and deployment of e-contracts is a challenging task because of the involvement of both technological and business aspects....

Generic Schema Mappings

Schema mappings come in different flavors: simple correspondences are produced by schema matchers, intensional mappings are used for schema...

Rapid Business Process Discovery (R-BPD)

Modeling is an important and time consuming part of the Business Process Management life-cycle. An analyst reviews existing documentation...

Relational Data Tailoring Through View Composition

This paper presents a methodology to derive views over a relational database by applying a sequence of appropriately defined...

Ontology-Driven Business Modelling: Improving the Conceptual Representation of the REA Ontology

Business modelling research is increasingly interested in exploring how domain ontologies can be used as reference models for business...

On the Discovery of Preferred Work Practice Through Business Process Variants

Variance in business process execution can be the result of several situations, such as disconnection between documented models and...

Towards Automated Reasoning on ORM Schemes

The goal of this article is to formalize Object Role Modeling (ORM) using the DLR description...

From Declarative to Imperative UML/OCL Operation Specifications

An information system maintains a representation of the state of the domain in its Information Base (IB). The state...