Heart Modeling, Computational Physiology and the IUPS Physiome Project
The Physiome Project of the International Union of Physiological Sciences (IUPS) is attempting to provide a comprehensive framework for...
Conceptual Schemas and Ontologies for Database Access: Myths and Challenges
First, I will argue that well-founded conceptual modelling and ontology design is required to support intelligent information access. Then,...
Multidimensional Data Modeling for Business Process Analysis
The emerging area of business process intelligence attempts to enhance the analytical capabilities of business process management systems by...
Extending Argumentation to Goal-Oriented Requirements Engineering
A key goal in safety-critical system development is to provide assurance that the critical requirements are sufficiently addressed. This...
Mining Hesitation Information by Vague Association Rules
In many online shopping applications, such as Amazon and eBay, traditional Association Rule (AR) mining has limitations as it...
Preface to SeCoGIS 2007
Read the full paper here: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-540-76292-8_37
A Model Driven Modernization Approach for Automatically Deriving Multidimensional Models in Data Warehouses
Data warehouses integrate several operational sources to provide a multidimensional (MD) analysis of data. Therefore, the development of a...
Modeling Historical and Future Spatio-temporal Relationships of Moving Objects in Databases
Moving object databases have recently found large interest in the database community, geographical information systems, and geosciences. So far,...
Cost-Based Fragmentation for Distributed Complex Value Databases
The major purpose of the design of distributed databases is to improve system performance and to increase system reliability....
Towards a Semantic Spatial Model for Pedestrian Indoor Navigation
This paper presents a graph-based spatial model which can serve as a reference for guiding pedestrians inside buildings. We...