planning - designing - developing IT
Special Interest Group on Systems Analysis and Design

ER - Intl Conf on Conceptual Modeling

An Extendable System for Conceptual Modeling and Simulation of Signal Transduction Pathways

In this paper we present an extendable system to generate models of signal transduction pathways in different modeling languages...

Toward an Ontological Database for Subcellular Neuroanatomy

We present the semantic data model for an ontological database for subcellular anatomy for Neurosciences. The data model builds...

Seed-Based Generation of Personalized Bio-ontologies for Information Extraction

Biologists usually focus on only a small, individualized, sub-domain of the huge domain of biology. With respect to their...

Design Metrics for Data Warehouse Evolution

During data warehouse design, the designer frequently encounters the problem of choosing among different alternatives for the same design...

MDBE: Automatic Multidimensional Modeling

The goal of this demonstration is to present MDBE, a tool implementing our methodology for automatically deriving multidimensional schemas...

A Domain Engineering Approach for Situational Method Engineering

Methodologies are one of the most significant key factors to the success of project development. Since there is no...

Oryx – Sharing Conceptual Models on the Web

Read the full paper here:

Retune: Retrieving and Materializing Tuple Units for Effective Keyword Search over Relational Databases

The existing approaches of keyword search over relational databases always identify the relationships between tuples on the fly, which...

Model Driven Specification of Ontology Translations

The alignment of different ontologies requires the specification, representation and execution of translation rules. The rules need to integrate...

Dealing with Usability in Model Transformation Technologies

Nowadays, the concept of Model Transformation Technology (MTT) is widely accepted in the Software Engineering community. These technologies have...