Modeling Transformations between Versions of a Temporal Data Warehouse
Data warehouses are oftentimes in charge of supporting the decision finding processes in companies and public administration. To fulfil...
Managing the History of Metadata in Support for DB Archiving and Schema Evolution
Modern information systems, and web information systems in particular, are faced with frequent database schema changes, which generate the...
Towards a Dynamic Inconsistency-Tolerant Schema Maintenance
When a relational database schema changes, the questions arises if any integrity constraint is violated by the change. For...
Preface to FP-UML 2008
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Using Object Concepts and UML for Conceptual Modeling
Developing an understanding of the application domain is a critical aspect of system development. A conceptual model is a...
Towards Obtaining Analysis-Level Class and Use Case Diagrams from Business Process Models
Nowadays, business process modeling, using industrial standards such as UML or BPMN, offers us a good opportunity to incorporate...
Improving Automatic UML2 Profile Generation for MDA Industrial Development
In the context of MDA-oriented solutions, a modeling language with a precise semantics is a mandatory requirement. Even though...
A UML Profile for Modelling Measurable Requirements
In the last years, the need for a sound integration of the requirements engineering discipline with the model driven...
A Comprehensive Aspect-Oriented Use Case Method for Modeling Complex Business Requirements
The aspect-oriented approach separates cross-cutting concerns and models them as aspects. In this paper, we present a comprehensive aspect-oriented...
Designing Privacy-Aware Personal Health Record Systems
Implementation of Personal Health Record (PHR) systems involves multiple stakeholders with different interpretations and expectations; more importantly it involves...