planning - designing - developing IT
Special Interest Group on Systems Analysis and Design

ER - Intl Conf on Conceptual Modeling

Exploiting the Complementary Relationship between Use Case Models and Activity Diagrams for Developing Quality...

Use case models and activity diagrams play an important role in the early stages of requirements engineering for systems...

Linking Biological Databases Semantically for Knowledge Discovery

Many important life sciences questions are aimed at studying the relationships and interactions between biological functions/processes and biological entities...

Preface to M2AS 2008

Read the full paper here:

FOCIH: Form-Based Ontology Creation and Information Harvesting

Creating an ontology and populating it with data are both labor-intensive tasks requiring a high degree of expertise. Thus,...

Specifying Valid Compound Terms in Interrelated Faceted Taxonomies

In previous work, we proposed an algebra whose operators allow to specify the valid compound terms of a faceted...

Conceptual Modeling in Disaster Planning Using Agent Constructs

A disaster plan contains rules to be used by responders to deal with a disaster and save lives. Usually,...

Modelling Safe Interface Interactions in Web Applications

Current Web applications embed sophisticated user interfaces and business logic. The original interaction paradigm of the Web based on...

A Conceptual Modeling Approach for OLAP Personalization

Data warehouses rely on multidimensional models in order to provide decision makers with appropriate structures to intuitively analyze data...

Creating User Profiles Using Wikipedia

Creating user profiles is an important step in personalization. Many methods for user profile creation have been developed to...

Hosted Universal Composition: Models, Languages and Infrastructure in mashArt

Information integration, application integration and component-based software development have been among the most important research areas for decades. The...