planning - designing - developing IT
Special Interest Group on Systems Analysis and Design

ER - Intl Conf on Conceptual Modeling

Models of the Human Metabolism

The systemic investigation of the energy metabolism in the frame of the selfish-brain theory focusses on supply chains. They...

Modeling Associations through Intensional Attributes

Attributes, a.k.a. slots or properties, are the main mechanism used to define associations between concepts or individuals modeling real...

Modeling Concept Evolution: A Historical Perspective

The world is changing, and so must the data that describes its history. Not surprisingly, considerable research effort has...

A Modeling Ontology for Integrating Vulnerabilities into Security Requirements Conceptual Foundations

Vulnerabilities are weaknesses in the requirements, design, and implementation, which attackers exploit to compromise the system. This paper proposes...

Modeling Domain Variability in Requirements Engineering with Contexts

Various characteristics of the problem domain define the context in which the system is to operate and thus impact...

Information Networking Model

Real world objects are essentially networked through various natural and complex relationships with each other. Existing data models such...

Towards an Ontological Modeling with Dependent Types: Application to Part-Whole Relations

Generally, mereological relations are modeled using fragments of first-order logic(FOL) and difficulties arise when meta-reasoning is done over their...

Inducing Metaassociations and Induced Relationships

In the last years, UML has been tailored to be used as a domain-specific modelling notation in several contexts....

Tractable Query Answering over Conceptual Schemata

We address the problem of answering conjunctive queries over extended Entity-Relationship schemata, which we call EER (Extended ER) schemata,...

A Semantic Approach for the Modeling of Trajectories in Space and Time

The modeling and analysis of trajectories in space and time have been long a domain of social science studies...