planning - designing - developing IT
Special Interest Group on Systems Analysis and Design

ER - Intl Conf on Conceptual Modeling

A Semantic Approach to Describe Geospatial Resources

Geographic information systems (GIS) are increasingly using geospatial data from the Web to produce geographic information. One big challenge...

Preface to QoIS 2009

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An Ontology-Based Framework for Geographic Data Integration

Ontologies have been extensively used to model domain-specific knowledge. Recent research has applied ontologies to enhance the discovery and...

Completeness in Databases with Maybe-Tuples

Some data models use so-called maybe tuples to express the uncertainty, whether or not a tuple belongs to a...

Modeling, Measuring and Monitoring the Quality of Information

Semantic properties that reflect quality criteria can be modeled by integrity constraints. Violated instances of constraints may serve as...

Evaluating the Functionality of Conceptual Models

Conceptual models serve as the blueprints of information systems and their quality plays decisive role in the success of...

Qbox-Services: Towards a Service-Oriented Quality Platform

The data quality market is characterized by a sparse offer of tools, providing individual functionalities which have their own...

Preface to RIGiM 2009

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A Comparison of Goal-Oriented Approaches to Model Software Product Lines Variability

In the requirements engineering for software product lines (SPL), feature modeling is used to capture commonalities and variabilities in...

A Lightweight GRL Profile for i* Modeling

The i* framework is a popular conceptual modeling language for capturing and analyzing socio-technical motivation and properties of complex...