planning - designing - developing IT
Special Interest Group on Systems Analysis and Design

ER - Intl Conf on Conceptual Modeling

From User Goals to Service Discovery and Composition

Goals are often used to represent stakeholder’s objectives. The intentionality inherited by a goal drives stakeholders to pursuit the...

ITGIM: An Intention-Driven Approach for Analyzing the IT Governance Requirements

Various research approaches on Information Technology (IT) management and IT engineering aim at understanding the new research area of...

Adapting the i* Framework for Software Product Lines

Feature modeling is an important technique to capture commonalities and variabilities in a software product line (SPL). However, this...

Algebraic Meta-structure Handling of Huge Database Schemata

Practical experience shows that the maintenance of databases with a very large schema causes severe problems, and no systematic...

Preface to MOST-ONISW 2009

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On Computing the Importance of Entity Types in Large Conceptual Schemas

The visualization and the understanding of large conceptual schemas require the use of specific methods. These methods generate clustered,...

Analysis Procedure for Validation of Domain Class Diagrams Based on Ontological Analysis

A well-conceived conceptual model is essential to obtain systems that are easier to maintain. The UML class diagram is...

Preface to ETheCoM 2009

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Is It Important to Explain a Theorem? A Case Study on UML and ...

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Towards a Theory of Conceptual Modelling

Conceptual modelling is a widely applied practice and has led to a large body of knowledge on constructs that...