Assessing Modal Aspects of OntoUML Conceptual Models in Alloy
Assessing the quality of conceptual models is key to ensure that conceptual models can be used effectively as a...
First-Order Types and Redundant Relations in Relational Databases
Roughly, we define a redundant relation in a database instance (dbi) as a k-ary relation R such that there...
On Matrix Representations of Participation Constraints
We discuss the existence of matrix representations for generalised and minimum participation constraints which are frequently used in database...
Toward Formal Semantics for Data and Schema Evolution in Data Stream Management Systems
Data Stream Management Systems (DSMSs) do not statically respond to issued queries — rather, they continuously produce result streams...
XML Machines
In order to capture the dynamics of XML databases a general model of tree-based database transformations is required. In...
Preface to FP-UML 2009
Read the full paper here:
Applying AUML and UML 2 in the Multi-agent Systems Project
This article discusses the viability of the AUML and UML languages employment, from the latter’s version 2.0 on, in...
A Collaborative Support Approach on UML Sequence Diagrams for Aspect-Oriented Software
AOP and its broader application on software projects brings the importance to provide the separation between aspects and OO...
Applying a UML Extension to Build Use Cases Diagrams in a Secure Mobile Grid...
Systems based on Grid computing have not traditionally been developed through suitable methodologies and have not taken into account...
Preface to CoMoL 2009
Read the full paper here: