planning - designing - developing IT
Special Interest Group on Systems Analysis and Design

ER - Intl Conf on Conceptual Modeling

The MP (Materialization Pattern) Model for Representing Math Educational Standards

Representing natural languages with UML has been an important research issue for various reasons. Little work has been done...

Semantic Service Design for Collaborative Business Processes in Internetworked Enterprises

Modern collaborating enterprises can be seen as borderless organizations whose processes are dynamically transformed and integrated with the ones...

XMI2USE: A Tool for Transforming XMI to USE Specifications

The UML-based Specification Environment (USE) tool supports syntactic analysis, type checking, consistency checking, and dynamic validation of invariants and...

SQOWL: Type Inference in an RDBMS

In this paper we describe a method to perform type inference over data stored in an RDBMS, where rules...

Querying Databases with Taxonomies

Traditional information search in which queries are posed against a known and rigid schema over a structured database is...

What Is Wrong with Digital Documents? A Conceptual Model for Structural Cross-Media Content Composition...

Many of today’s digital document formats are strongly based on a digital emulation of printed media. While such a...

Classification of Index Partitions to Boost XML Query Performance

XML query optimization continues to occupy considerable research effort due to the increasing usage of XML data. Despite many...

Specifying Aggregation Functions in Multidimensional Models with OCL

Multidimensional models are at the core of data warehouse systems, since they allow decision makers to early define the...

The CARD System

We describe a CASE tool (the CARD system) that allows users to represent and translate ER schemas, along with...

AuRUS: Automated Reasoning on UML/OCL Schemas

To ensure the quality of an information system, the conceptual schema that represents its domain must be semantically correct....